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ACT Head Impact Tracker.
Because you should know. Protect your assets.

ACT Head Impact Tracker is measuring device for impacts and forces acting on a head while doing sports.

Use ACT Head Impact Tracker to:

1. Make forces acting on a head visible and more tangible.
2. Get objective information on what happens and make better informed decisions.
3. Create, enforce and track compliancy to restrictions, actions, practices, procedures and protocols.
4. Reinvent technique training: lower the magnitude to make them brain healthier and safer.
5. Improve awareness and understanding of head impacts and forces acting on a head, advocate the change in attitudes and behavior.

Part 1
The Product: Head sensor
ACT Head Impact Tracker head sensor
ACT Head Impact Tracker head sensor Pro

ACT Head Impact Tracker head sensor is an integral part of ACT Head Impact Tracker, it is what measures forces acting on your head. There are two types of head sensors:

ACT Head Impact Tracker head sensor measures number, frequency and proximity of impacts and forces acting on a head. Magnitude measure is g-force (linear acceleration/deceleration) and Impact g-load  (accumulation of g-forces).

ACT Head Impact Tracker head sensor Pro measures number, frequency and proximity of impacts and forces acting on a head. Magnitude measures are g-force (linear acceleration/deceleration), Impact g-load, (accumulation of g-forces), rad/s (angular velocity) and accumulation of angular velocity.

Head sensors can be attached to almost any kind of head accessory or wear: variety of hairbands, headbands and helmets. Choose what to use, or buy one of ACT Head Impact Tracker accessories specifically designed for it in our web store. Whatever your head wear, gear or accessory of attachment, ensure the sensor is firmly attached and cannot move by itself. Nor should anything (like helmet) move so that it will tap on the sensor. The head sensor must stay put and not get knocks or impacts to itself to give best possible quality measurement.

Note: head sensor measures what is it attached to. We recommend attaching ACT Head Impact Tracker head sensor to your head with a tight-fitting head accessory (like headband) also when using with a helmet. If you attach sensor on a helmet, the magnitude measurement accuracy might be compromised: the helmet or its straps may move on their own, and in a case of an impact the forces acting on a helmet are usually higher in magnitude to those acting on your head inside the helmet.

WARNING! Place the head sensor only in a location where impacts, bumps, knocks or pressure do not occur.

WARNING! ACT Head Impact Tracker products or services are not protective devices. They do not prevent incidents from happening and they do not protect against injuries or any kind.

ACT Head Impact Tracker is a measuring device. ACT Head Impact Tracker products or services are not medical devices and do not provide medical advice, any kind of diagnostics or treatment suggestions for any health problem. ACT Head Impact Tracker products or services, any content or information therein, is not to be used in place of consultation of licensed medical professional. In case of violent forces acting on a head, a head impact, or when suspecting one or a concussion, immediately and safely leave the activity and seek help from licensed medical professionals. It is advisable to have an accompanying person if concussion is possible. In case of an emergency, call an ambulance. If you have been given medical advice by a licensed medical professional, always follow that advice despite any information or content in or from ACT Head Impact Tracker. Northern Sports Insight and Intelligence Oy or ACT Head Impact Tracker products or services are not health care specialists, and neither is communication between you and us or ACT Head Impact Tracker forming any kind of doctor – patient relationship. 

Part 2
The Service: Mobile App
ACT Head Impact Tracker smartphone mobile App

ACT Head Impact Tracker smartphone mobile App is needed to operate ACT Head Impact Tracker head sensor(s). The App enables you to create and manage User Account and Profile(s), add and act with ACT Head Impact Tracker sensors on your Profile(s), view and receive impact information, review Profile(s)’s impact history, share your Profile(s) Impact information with other Users, activate, use, and manage certain Service features and functionalities. On the sidelines use smartphone App to listen the sensors, get the information from them via Bluetooth® Wireless connection, and forwards the information to the cloud using mobile data or Wi-Fi. You must have all data transfers on, active and be within their reach to receive near-real-time data on the events.


Use App for tracking the events on the sidelines!

App is free to download in Google Play Store on smart phones with Android 10 or newer operating system.

If your mobile device is not automatically connecting with the sensors (i.e. an event occurs, you are in Bluetooth® Wireless connection’s reach, but information is not appearing to the App) try with Active scanning. Depending on your mobile device, you might need to always use Active scanning to connect with the sensors.

Active Scan works like this:
1.) Click “Menu” (3 bars on the left upper hand corner) > Click “Start active scan” > text turns to say “Stop active scan” = Active scanning is on until you switch it off. Stop Active scanning by clicking on text “Stop active scan”.
2.) When the text says “Start active scan” = Active scanning is off.
3.) If needed, always use active scanning when you want to connect to the sensors.
4.) If Active Scan is on, but event information is not received, try switching Active scanning off and turning it back on again.


ACT Head Impact Tracker App for iPhones is not available yet. Estimated launch in App Store is in Q4 2024.

ACT Head Impact Tracker mobile App is free to download in Google Play Store on smart phones with Android 10 or newer operating system, and in App store. Apps are free to use as well.


When you have downloaded the App on your mobile device, your ACT Head Impact Tracker App is part of the system where information flow from the head sensors to the cloud takes place. Use of mobile data on your mobile device with the application may occur at any time when ACT Head Impact Tracker head sensors are used in Bluetooth® Wireless connection’s reach. If you do not want to be part of the system, close ACT Head Impact Tracker App and turn off Bluetooth® Wireless connection or mobile data connection in your mobile device.

Note regarding iPhones:
Please note that when asked, you have to give your mobile phone permission to connect to new Bluetooth devices to listen ACT Head Impact Tracker head sensors. ACT iOS App is using active scanning as default, to turn the scanning off: close ACT Head Impact Tracker App, switch off Bluetooth, turn off wifi or mobile data for ACT App or entirely, or switch on the flight mode in your mobile device.

Note regarding Android phones:
Please note that you will need to give App the permission to use your location AND in the location “specific location” needs to be on. Please check in Settings > App > ACT Head Impact Tracker > Permissions > Location > Specific location.

If your mobile device is not automatically connecting with the sensors (i.e. an event occurs, you are in Bluetooth® Wireless connection’s reach, but information is not appearing to the App) try with Active scanning. Depending on your mobile device, you might need to always use Active scanning to connect with the sensors. Active Scan works like this:
1.) Click “Menu” (3 bars on the left upper hand corner) > Click “Start active scan” > text turns to say “Stop active scan” = Active scanning is on until you switch it off. Stop Active scanning by clicking on text “Stop active scan”.
2.) When the text says “Start active scan” = Active scanning is off.
3.) If needed, always use active scanning when you want to connect to the sensors.
4.) If Active Scan is on, but event information is not received, try switching Active scanning off and turning it back on again.

To stop the passive scanning: switch off ACT Head Impact Tracker App, turn off Bluetooth, turn off wifi or mobile data for ACT App or entirely, or turn on flight mode.

Android mobile App

iOS mobile App

Part 3.The Service: Data, Statistics and Analytics tool, Browser access, Web User Interface and Team Dashboard


ACT Head Impact Tracker Browser Access

You can access your user account and get all the data in it plus much more in ACT Head Impact Tracker Browser Access. There are two levels in Browser Access: Web User Interface and Team Dashboard. Access your user account and data when ever you need, on any device via browser access in
Step by step user manual for using the tools in


Use Browser Access for data crunching!

Web User Interface

In Web User Interface, you get lots of detailed data and measurements in numerical format and as graphical illustrations. There is much more of everything than what is featuring in the App: data, features and actions. You can for example mark false positive events (like those occurred in transportation, handling and other) as faulty impacts, and add notes to events. Browse the data with your smartphone, tablet or computer, and import your impact data to most common spreadsheets (such as Excel or Numbers) in Web User Interface.

Team Dashboard

Team Dashboard is statistics and light analytics tool for coaches, trainers, teams and clubs. Its Beta1 pilot test version is now out for all our users to test use. Activate and use Team Dashboard to track and get statistics and light analytics on both team’s and individual athletes’ total (cumulative) events data per session and season to date.

 See detailed instructions for use is Help > Team Dashboard.

Why you should choose ACT Head Impact Tracker?


ACT Head Impact Tracker head sensor can be used in virtually any sport on a dry land.

ACT Head Impact Tracker head sensor can be attached with hook&loop (Velcro) tape to wide variety of head gear and wear, helmets and head bands. You can also buy ACT Head Impact Tracker accessories in our webstore.
For team sports and individual sports, to track one athlete or a team of athletes, for juniors and seniors, professional and recreational levels, men, women, boys, girls and anything in between.
Easy to use

Download the App, create user account and profile(s), add head sensors to the profile(s) and off you go

Head sensor’s dimensions are: 46,70mm x 34,40mm x 7,60mm
No need for extra gadgets such as large team charging units, dedicated hand held or sideline devices. No monthly fees for services you don’t need or want to use

Why you should measure every day?

Every athlete, coach, trainer, relevant team personnel, and parent can:

1. Measure and track the events on a head.

Higher numerical values indicate more violent impacts and events.
2. When a high magnitude impact, blow or jolt occurs, act on it

If no medically trained professionals are available for the assessment, we recommend using sideline TBI assessment tools developed for non-medical first responders, such as Pocket Concussion Recognition Tool 5®.

3. Manage the load on a head.
Aim to decrese the number, magnitude, frequency and proximity to manage the load on the head.

4. Make forces acting on a head visible and concrete.
Create awareness and understanding with objective measures. No more guessing and guestimation. Educate when and why events occur, and what they may cause. Aim for a good sportsmanship and increased respect, less risk-taking, using excessive force and foul play.
5. Take a stand and send a message.

Measuring the events and acting on them, signals to everyone involved that this matter is with high significance and closely observed. Incidents will not go unnoticed and will be acted upon.

Every coach, trainer and relevant team personnel can:

6. Track down the athletes and compare the loads.

Athletes with more events in number, higher in magnitude, closer in frequency and proximity than their peers are in greater risk. Address the issue.
7. Track down the trainings and drills, adjust accordingly.

Trainings and drills with most events, large magnitude events or most frequent events on the athletes involved are those increasing the load and risk levels for the athletes the most. Modify them and/or lower their frequency in the training schedule to decrease the load of all the athletes involved.
8. Track down the effect of positions and games played.

Keep an eye on the athletes in the positions and games with most load on a head, modify the training plans to reduce the load of the athletes. 9. Detect improvement needs in techniques, or physics.

Athletes with better physical condition and technique (in the events like headings, giving and receiving a tackle, falls, etc.) may be better prepared for the events on a head. Track down the differences between the athletes on the graphical illustrations for example, they can help to detect the individuals with gaps in techniques, or physics.
10. Introduce and apply a suitable sideline procedures.

Demonstrating objectively that impacts are occurring should encourage coaches, trainers and team personnel to introduce and apply suitable sideline procedures for injury assessment and detection. Also apply relevant return to sport and return to play protocols to ensure the athletes only return to the action when they have fully recovered from the brain injury.
11. Share with those who care and can help to reduce impact load.

Users can share their event data with those who should know too with the App’s “Manage Profile Shares” functionality. Share the event data with parents, coaches, trainers, or co-athletes, for example.
12. Lead the way

Teams and clubs tracking the events on a head truly aim to do everything they can to monitor athletes on the pitch and act is a responsible and sustainable manner. This will not go unnoticed by sponsors, partners, athletes or families of athletes.