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Cycling Finland will be piloting ACT Head Impact Tracker head impact measuring device and 1st to test Fall Alert “crash sensor” functionality in development
Cycling Finland is joining the ever-expanding group of high-profile pilot testers for ACT Head Impact Tracker. “We are absolutely delighted to get cyclists on board! ACT Head Impact Tracker was designed to be universal, enabling tracking head impacts for virtually everyone - as long as it is done on a dry land.” says Heidi Kivimaa CEO of Northern Sports Insight and Intelligence, a Finnish technology startup behind ACT Head Impact Tracker. “We work hard to identify the different sport user groups, their specific needs and wants. To address these needs and wants, we are working on multiple additional features and functionalities to complement the basic functionality, head impact tracking. Thrilled to have Cycling Finland pilot testers the ones who will put one of these new additional functionalities in a tough test before releasing it.”

“There are few so-called “crash sensors” out there on the market already, but they don’t do much else. We think differently. We want to provide our users as much relevant information and functionalities relating head impacts as possible. Hence making “crash sensor” functionality available as one of the additional service functionalities in ACT Head Impact Tracker is a no-brainer. And we want to do it as flexibly and user-friendly as possible. If you need or want it, you can add it in your ACT Head Impact Tracker service by subscribing it by a monthly fee. If you don’t, you don’t. Pay only when you need and use it: activate the subscription in the beginning of the season and cancel it when the season ends. Less gadgets and Apps, more information and functionalities. Easy, convenient, cost effective and sustainable.” Kivimaa reveals on some of the upcoming introductions. “But before Fall Alert (as we will call the “crash sensor” functionality in ACT Head Impact Tracker) is released, it will be thoroughly tested. Many thanks already in advance for the pilot testers at Cyclling Finland for taking this journey with us.”