We are extremely happy to inform that Team Dashboard Beta1 pilot test version is now out and available for all our users to test use!
Team Dashboard is a statistics and light analytics tool for coaches, trainers, team personnel, teams and clubs. Once completed, it'll enable fast and easy follow-up on those important parameters related to your team’s and athletes’ brain safety, health and wellbeing: number, magnitude, frequency and proximity of impacts and forces acting on a head.
Few notable things before you put it to use: - Team Dashboard currently only works “from here on”, which means you cannot import past events/sessions or data from past events/sessions to Team Dashboard. - Team Dashboard will only contain data from the sessions added and started in Team Dashboard. Always add and start a session in Team Dashboard when you wish to add data to Team Dashboard. - No data outside the sessions added and started in Team Dashboard will be included in Team Dashboard statistics or analytics. However, no event data will be lost, even if you have not added and started session in Team Dashboard. All the events recorded by the head sensors and forwarded to the Cloud will be included and featuring in the App and in Web User Interface just like they have always been. - You can access Team Dashboard through Browser Access in our website www.act-tracker.com - Detailed instructions for use of Team Dashboard Beta1 pilot test version and important notices regarding can soon be found in our website Help > Team Dashboard.
Please note, it is Beta1 pilot test version. It is not complete, error free, nor fully functional. We are developing, improving, updating and making changes continuously, so that it would ever better meet your needs and wants. It may be that the instructions on our website are not always fully up to date or correct. We apologise the inconvenience.
Important information! You can only use Browser Access, Team Dashboard and Web User Interface if you are a registered User with User Account in ACT Head Impact Tracker. ACT Head impact Tracker Warnings, Disclaimers, Important usage information and all Notices, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy apply.
For more information, please email us contact(at)norspo.com